Bridging the past, present, and future.
Welland has grown significantly in the past decade since Turtles Property opened up in 2010. The city continues to thrive today, with a slight population increase which has led to more opportunities and much more housing, with new developments and industrial spaces being built.
Homes are quick sellers here, and rental units don't usually last too long on the market. It is a great developing city to invest in.
Located in the centre of Niagara Falls, it is historically known for its steel, automotive and textile industries. Sadly, many of these industrial businesses have closed down, and there are many vacant factory buildings and lands throughout Welland.
However the City of Welland has implemented many Community Incentive Programs to revitalize the original downtown Welland core. Although it is a slow growth, progress is surely being made.

Quick Facts:
Current Population: 54,000 estimated
Current Mayor: Frank Campion
Governing Body: Welland City Council
City Incorporation: 1917
Highways: 406 & 140
Post Secondary Education: Niagara College of Applied Arts campus
Distance to Toronto: 1.5 hours
Distance to Buffalo: 45 minutes
Many recreational activities, including trails and parks
Within 20 - 30 minutes of Niagara Falls, St. Catharines and Niagara on the Lake

Fun Fact:

On August 13, 1991, City of Welland Council passed the resolution to adopt Rose #K0802647 as Welland’s Official Rose, and was named The City of Welland Rose.
For more information: wellandrosefetival.com

For Property Management information or to find out if any vacancies are available, please contact us today!